Our Sermons
Sermon Series
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Prayer – Care – Share – I often wear a light green wrist band with the words: Prayer, Care and Share on the top and our website: www.PrayWithYou.org on the bottom. Three simple words: Prayer, Care and Share. We pray for and care for our neighbors while looking for opportunities to share our beliefs.
“An Audacious Miracle” – Sermon about Four Lepers – 2 Kings 7:1-3
Prayer “Prayer & Territory” 1 Chronicles 4:9-10, Luke 11:1-4
Care “Popeye & Spinach Theology” Luke 11:33-36
Share “Walk Across the Room” Romans 3:21-28
“Let’s Go Surfin” Philippians 4:4-9

Live the L.I.G.H.T. – My prayer is for this next series of messages will serve as a lighthouse for you: A light to guide you safely home. One church member suggested, “If we’re going to be a light to guide you safely home, we must learn how to actually live the light.” What if Live the Light was actually an acrostic. “Live the L.I.G.H.T.” L.I.G.H.T. The word means: Love our Lord as we Invite, Grow and Help others To live like Christ.
“The Journey Begins” 1 Peter 2:7-10
“Love Our Lord & Kicking Cats” Philippians 4:11-13
“Invite & Mulch” Luke 14:12-14
“Grow, Fishing & Grandpa” Luke 8:22-25
“Help Others & $7.43” James 2:14-17
“To Live Like Christ: Take Up Your Cross & Fly” Luke 9:23-25

Now What? – I am living my life pretty much the way I planned but somehow, I’m not satisfied so I started asking myself more and more: “Now what?”
“Why Go to Church?” John 3:1-8, 16-17
“Getting Off That Dead Horse!” Galatians 2:11-14, 21-21
“The Old Red Hand Water Pump” Revelation 21:1-6
“Take Great Risks” Romans 12:1-2
“A Broom & Life’s Final Questions” Job 31:35-36
“Duty, Honor, Grace” Romans 12:9-12
“God, Church & Money: Shrewd” Luke 16:1-13

“It’s Not Your Birthday!” – The celebration of Christmas was never meant to be about you and me, parties, egg nog, Santa Claus and an abundance of gifts. There is nothing wrong with any of those things as long as we don’t forget the real reason for the season. Christmas is about Jesus and being given a gift that can’t possibly be matched by anything under your Christmas tree.
“Where Is God?” Micah 2:12-13, 5:2-5a
“Why Three Wise Men?” Matthew 2:1-12
“I’m Just an Innkeeper” Luke 2:1-7
“I Done It For Love” – Titus 3:4-7
“Two Sides of Grace” – Luke 2:8-20
“Tacky Lights”

What Does It Mean to be United Methodist? – Maybe you never asked out loud… but don’t you wonder? Maybe you grew up United Methodist and never really questioned why. Maybe you joined a United Methodist Church for reasons completely unrelated to understanding what it means to be Methodist. That’s okay but you should know that being a United Methodist is something you can be proud of. Of course, it’s more important to figure out how to be a Christian. But United Methodists have a great tradition as a Christian Church with an inspiring theology. What we believe about God, Jesus Christ and humanity makes sense. What we do in the world makes a difference.
“Our History” Romans 3:21-28
“Our Beliefs” 1 John 4:7-12
“Our Worship” Psalm 100

Luke & Jesus – For hundreds of years God sent prophets and messengers to tell us that a Messiah was coming but now the time has come. Luke considers this to be so important that he records the birth, but he also continues to provide evidence after Jesus was born to show that this was no ordinary man. When your life has been less than what you expected. When there are particularly steep mountains to climb. When the stress at times seems unbearable. When personal setbacks and disappointments seem to be coming in waves. Remember that God has gone to a lot of trouble to help us understand who God is and what God means in our lives.

Acts: The Church Begins –
I am the church! You are the church! We are the church together! All who follow Jesus, all around the world! Yes, we’re the church together!
I can’t stop singing this old hymn. “I am the church; You are the church! We are the church together! This series is about how the church and God’s Holy Spirit became such a critical part of our faith journey. My prayer is that we come to understand better and appreciate this precious gift, the church.
In the process, I believe these lessons can help us become more tolerant and less judgmental. As we better understand God’s church and God’s Holy Spirit, we take a giant step toward greater spiritual maturity. It’s my prayer that we think and pray about the impact we are having on other people’s lives. I pray you will experience personal relief as you hear encouragement and guidance to help you deal with personal issues. This is what the church and God’s Holy Spirit does best.